St. Peter's welcomes donations of any amount. Donations are essential to our ongoing operations and also make it possible for us to care for the Island and its unique heritage buildings. With your help, we may be able to celebrate our 200th birthday in the next century! You may also make a Memorial donation in memory of a family member or loved one, and these are used for special projects at the discretion of the Wardens. Significant gifts may be directed to our recently-established Endowment Fund.
1. Via cheque:
Return our Donation/Pledge Form in the mail with a cheque to:
The Treasurer,
St. Peter's on-the-Rock
P.O. Box 1566
Lakefield, ON K0L 2H0
You will receive your income tax refund in the mail by February 28th of the year following your donation.
2. Online via Canada Helps:
Go to www.canadahelps.org > donate > search > st. peter's on-the-rock. Be sure to select St. Peter's in Lakefield, not the similarly-named parish in Kirkland Lake! Donations through Canada Helps can be made by credit card, and you will receive an online income tax receipt immediately.
3. Via e-transfer through online banking:
Send your e-transfer to stpetersontherocktreasurer (at)
gmail.com (no password is required). As with donation via cheque, you will receive your income tax refund in the mail by February 28th of the year following your donation.
St. Peter's on-the-Rock operates successfully thanks to the generosity of dozens of volunteers. Opportunities for volunteering include serving in a leadership role (the Warden stream, which is a commitment of three years), serving on Vestry in a variety of program roles, or helping out with special projects and events as the need arises. Perhaps you have a special skill or passion you would like to share with St. Peter's? If you want to be a part of our caring community, we would love to hear from you! We also welcome young people seeking volunteer hours for high school requirements. For more information about volunteering your time, please contact hellostpeters (at) gmail.com.